Ethical Dilemma #7: Should companies give to charity?


Canadian banks are Canada's largest corporate taxpayers and largest corporate donors. According to the Canadian Bankers Association, in 2007, seven of Canada's Schedule 1 banks donated $197 million to charities in Canada and around the world. These contributions support education, youth, and health care. The banks also support amateur athletes, the arts and community events. For example, the Bank of Montreal is the principal sponsor of Skate Canada and is a founding sponsor of the Kids Help Phone.

Because banks are the largest taxpayers in Canada, their profits help build roads, schools, hospitals and many other governmental activities. In addition, banks are also committed to helping the environment.

Do you think that companies should give money to charities? Why or Why Not?

Do you think that companies should be obliged to be front-runners in helping the environment? Why or Why Not?


  1. I think that companies should give o charities because it helps improve the community and the world as a whole by giving money to causes they believe in while giving companies a tax break as well as improving how the company is seen in the public eye.

    I don't believe that companies should be obliged to be front-runners in helping the environment because it isn't their job to spend their money on that and if they want to then it is all good for them and they can but adding more things a company has to do will make being a business owner less appealing and slow the economy of Canada and we need to let people make their own decisions because they already pay tax to the government and the government can put the money towards that as it is.

    1. I agree with your point that donating to charities can help a company to attract more consumers through good reputation. Also, they shouldn't be forced to be front-runners in supporting the environment. I didn't think of the tax part which you mentioned so I feel your opinion is convincing.

    2. I agree with your points here, especially the one about the tax kind of contributing to parts of the environment.

    3. I agree. Helping the environment is good on a company but they do pay taxes to the government, and the government should be taking care of the environment.

    4. I like the point you brought up about how they should since it will help their reputation in the public eye and also how you stated that they already pay taxes and the govt can donate the money since they get the money from all companies.

    5. I agree with your point, company should put more time on charity, but I think company also need to help our environment, because it is more important than the money.

  2. In the article above, Canadian banks are the largest corporate donors in Canada due to seven of them have donated $197 million in total according to the Canadian Bankers Association during 2007. As a result, there happened to be a argument of whether all other companies should support charities like what Canadian banks did. Based on the experience I have of buying products from some companies, most of these corporations are known because they evolved in donations. For example, it's easy to see new reports on news paper like 'donating money to creche and helping lots of homeless people'. In another word, just like endorsement from celebrities, donating money is a effective way to have social attention but it's better sine it's ethical. However, supporting the society by donating or helping the environment should just be a suggestion for business people instead of being mandatory. As we all know, companies obtain money but they are providing products at the same time. If employees or normal people don't have to dedicate to their country, then employers can't be forced to do this as we are equal. On the other hand, some companies want to protect the environment because they believe this action will gain attention for them. When some managers may feel this strategy is getting normal because all businesses are obliged to be front-runners for nature, they tend to work less or stop being a employer. All in all, there can't be a rule or a law for asking business people to help the environment or donate money unless they want to.

    1. I agree with you donating money and help the environment is companies' option which may make them become better.

  3. For me, I believe that companies should give money to charities because of how it may seem like the company's losing their money and profit for the charities; not only will it help to whom the charity is supporting for but also will help establish and shape the future of those and turning them into new people who can be successful and even improve the places that they supporting for like community centers. Also, with how banks are the largest payers of tax in Canada, that means that it can also help by like mentioned in the article, the environment which is important for us and by mentioning building roads, schools for example. So it can help the people in need shape their future with these new places for them. For the second question, I believe that it should depend on whether if the company's job or goals is involving it or not. Because I think it won't be necessary for them to work on that if they don' t specialize in that certain topic and when there are other companies, groups, organizations, etc who are probably able to that job much better. Granted they could still do minor things like green their work routine, and work place for example. Also of how if they were doing something for the environment instead of what they're supposed to be doing then I think that it's unnecessary for the workers to be there as if they applied here to pursue in something of their interests and ended up doing something different then they wouldn't be pleased and leave the company because they were obliged or forced to do something else for the sake for someone else resulting in the company not having a good work force.

    1. I like your point because it's comprehensive in all aspects of this question. Companies are not only recommended to donate but also they want to do this too. It's one of effective strategies to get more customers. Moreover, your suggestion for the relationship between companies and the environment is convincing and I agree that the social part which a company is responsible for depends on the company's goal.

    2. I like and I didn't think of the point that you brought up about the way the environment and businesses interact. It opens more factors I hadn't previously thought of.

  4. I think it is important to donate to charity no matter what especially if you are a business. It will improve the community and it will boost your reputation in the public eye. This will help problems in the community that the taxes the business pay like helping with kids, education and special skill training. (Arts, Sports, etc.) However I feel that businesses should not feel obliged to donate in terms of the environment. The taxes they pay already contribute to that in a way. It isn't their responsibility to help the environment although it is a great thing to do not all businesses have money to spare to donate. Business may choose to help the environment if they feel they have money to spare and thats what they want to help over other things they could donate to.

    1. I agree with your point. I love how you pointed out that the community benefits as well and not just the charity.

    2. I agree with your point because the company should be able to run companies as freely as possible while still being fair and it will increase business if you donate

    3. Both of you're points are backed up and I feel like you really convey a good message. I agree that it's totally important to donate to charity no matter what, and even better I liked that you said like I did that they shouldn't be forced to help if they don't want to

    4. I think you are right, if a company have more money, they can donate it to help environment.

  5. I believe that donating is a good thing. If people have a chance to donate they should. Not only does donating help whatever you donate to but when people donate it makes them feel good. Knowing that you helped someone or something is something to be happy about. When big businesses donate to charity it gives the customers another thing to respect about the company. If a company donates to an eco-friendly charity it raises even more respect from the public. However not everyone wants to donate to helping the environment and thats fine. Being obligated to donate to environmental services should not be a requirement for a business. Although its great to help the environment companies might have a different way to contribute and do their part. Cleaning up and helping the environment is great but nobody should be obligated to do it.

    1. I like your reasons and especially your point of how people should make their own decision on whether if they want to donate to something and should not feel obliged to it, and even your other reasons for helping out the environment while still not be forced to do it.

    2. I agree with your point, people should be happy about donating money but cannot be forced to do so.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree with your reasons and especially liked when you mentioned on how companies always are making money constantly, having the best income of money and being at the top for donating to others. Also with your points for what companies can also do for the environment.

    2. There is a good point in saying they should donate to help the environment but i think under no circumstance they should be forced to do something with there money that they don't want to do.

  7. Nowadays, many companies donate their money to charities. This not only help them gain attention but also boost the economy. Banks, as the largest taxpayer in Canada, should donate some of their profits to help those who really need them. Big companies play an important role in the society. If companies donate money to charities and help the environment, then many people will follow them. What’s more, donating money will help companies make more profit. People will think those companies who donate money are very generous and more investigators will be attracted. In fact, donating money is another way to make profit.

    1. I like the point that donation is another way of making profit, the profit that we could not see straight a way, and also for big companies that extra amount of profit will not really help to push their development a lot, however if they donate them, the feedback will be fame and reputation, which is much more precious.

  8. I disagree with both points, companies shouldn't give money to charities if they don't want to. Although I think they should and I think it would help them a lot since their customers would see the more human side of the company. Most people would prefer to do business with a company that worries about the world not only about business and their money. I do not think companies should be OBLIGED to be the ones helping the environment because that's not fair. If they don't want to, they shouldn't be forced to. In my opinion, if they get forced to do something they don't want to then they will do it poorly. If they are going to do something make sure they give it 100% and that they actually want to do it, if not then they will just grow to hate the environment since they got forced.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


  10. A lot of famous companies make a great amount of money and most of them do give to charity. Its good visual for customers to know that this company helps out the world by giving money to charities. Companies should be the top donators because, they are constantly gaining money, so they should focus on helping out the world. If companies can help out other people around the world, they should also focus on the environment around them and how to help out the earth, either being greener or doing missions around the world helping the environment. Helping the environment would make their companies have a better reputation and it attracts more employees.

    1. I agree with your point that companies are constantly gaining money and they should be the top donors around the pubic, and they were seem to be the only ones that could lead the public to protect the environment.

  11. In think that company should donate to charities, because all around the world, there have a lot of places need donate, but there do not have enough rich people to donate, so it is a good chance to let company donate, all employers and employees can pay some money or clothes, and it cam help company get more popularity. And I think company also be front-runners in helping the environment, because in a company there have a lot of people, some people might help our environment, some people might not, so if company leader let everyone protect the environment, everyone have to do it, and maybe they will tell their family members do it, and the world will be better. Overall, it is not only company itself, if all company do it, it can change our world.

  12. In my opinion, companies could choose whether they want to give money to charities or not, because the conditions among companies are different. Some companies might have a lot of spare money to donate, however some companies might need to use all of their of their money to develop their company. The big companies that could easily afford giving spare money to charities should donate some of their money, but the small companies who need money should not donate any to charities. Secondly, the companies that are helping the environment will definitely get a better reputation and identification, because people will know the brand more and tend to buy their product. In addition, the companies are like the leader and representation of their customers, so if they become the front-runners in helping the environment, their customers will help with the environment too. In conclusion, companies should be forced to protect the environment, because they are the biggest source that causes pollution, also they can push their customer to protect the environment too


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